Dahlia Society of California -
June, 2004

Please bring any extra tubers or plants to share with the society.  Joanne, Tinnee & Judy promise to bring yummies.


First Bloom at the Dell, 2004


Disbudding & de-leafing clinic will be held in the Dahlia Dell at 7 PM on June 8th.

Tuesday, 8th June, 2004 @ 8 pm @ 9th & Lincoln.  Program:      Martin Rivero will be lecturing on digital cameras.  For 15 years, Martin has been in charge of  the Rental Division at Adolf Gassers, a top-flight professional photo supply store in SF.  Martin will provide a thorough review of the complex functions of digital cameras, including what's on the market, and how to choose one to meet your needs. If you have questions regarding your digital camera, please bring your camera manual and he help you out at the meeting.




Co-founder of Corralitos Gardens, Kevin Larkin is a representative of the Gowen Company, which develops and markets plant protection products. He astounded us with his lecture on fertilizers. 

Kevin and Karen, and their Russian Wolf Hounds

Dahlias consist primarily of carbon, hydrogen & oxygen, all of which exist in the atmosphere.  The critical factor is availability—how easily can the plant digest the nutrients.  Kevin discovered that dahlias thrive on .08 lbs of nitrogen per plant per season.  The three numbers on the fertilizer labels stand for nitrogen, phosphorus & potash and nitrogen is the most critical & fastest depleted. 

Fertilizing with small amounts of a water-soluble product every 3-4 weeks up to October is better than a one-time barrage.  Over-fertilizing can result in leaves with brittle black edges.   Blood meal or feathers, both good sources of nitrogen, can take years to disseminate. 

Conversely, Miracle Grow & avian manure or fish emulsion are quick releasers.  Horse or cow manure or compost provides excellent soil conditioning but not much vital nitrogen.  Kevin posits that calcium provides for strong stems. 




The back wall tables groaned under green bounty.  Richard brought in 2 Angel Dusts; Lou Lombardo hefted in 35 such voluptuously green cuttings that they looked plastic; & Deborah carted in 48 milkcartoned beauties & cuttings.  Roger’s excess tubers reclined in Chinese take-out cartons; Soc’s in vermiculite, & Baker Bill’s in a huge pizza flat. 

Avid buyers bushwhacked Diana, who promised to arrive early & bring change in June.  DJ & Rudy plied their photo skills to document our pleasure. 

Special thanks to Frank for the ice cream bars, to Joanne for chocolate squares & to Virginia for shortbread. 




I am just barely seeing buds appear which means it is time to pinch & disbud.  Certain plants harbor the first bud tightly down in the center where it would be terribly crotch-bound were it to bloom.  Pinch out the first bud with the two budletts beside it.  This allows the next buds to have longer, stronger stems & encourages the plant to be a little bushier rather than too tall. 




Otherwise, disbud the side budletts on EVERY plant, leaving a single flower to develop per stem. 

As your plant reaches 24,” begin to take off the bottom leaves, discouraging snails, slugs & mildew.  I remove non-flower producing leaves to encourage growth & allow more light into the plant & to better air circulation.  I compost all my dahlia refuse; since obligate parasites must have living tissues to live, composting destroys them.  Other experts do not compost their dahlia refuse, concerned that somehow some infection could persist through the composting process.  You decide.

eNewsletter of Dahlia Society of California, Inc., San Francisco, CA
   Editor: Deborah Dietz. Web-Layout Editor: Ted Marr
    Please address your editorial questions to Deborah@SFDahlia.Org
    Please address your layout, circulation and other web questions to